Sunday, May 3, 2009

Mother's Day

Mother's Day in these years is a day in which we remember, contribute to our mother who has given life to us. I have heard some tell why celebrate Mother's Day when we are supposed to cherish the deeds our mother has done for our entire life? Why remember only for a day? Isn't it weird to celebrate a day for a person who everyone are supposed to have in the heart everyday. The same goes with Father's Day.

The life has changed, lifestyles of people have changed. Olden days children used to stayed along with the parents even after their marraiges and knew importance of the elders. This type of families are known as 'Joint Family'. The elders in the family acted as support, guidance to the children and grand children. Over the years need for comfort grew and children had to work far from their parents. This slowly has made the younger generation move away from their parents. The distance tends to make us forget things, including the scarifices their parents have made to bring them up to the present stage in their life.

So to me all relationship days are celebrated to make those who have forgotten the value of these valuable relationships. There is no harm in celebrating these days by giving good surprise gifts to our parents, but we all need to keep in mind the good old days we had with our parents not only on these days but always.