Sunday, September 27, 2009

Life Cycle Bubble

Life has gone through a fast forward cycle in the past 20 years...Gone are the days of family reunions, festival gathering, one day wedding (I was told my grandfather's wedding was 5days in 1940's, my father's was 3 days in 1970's). Then people had more time for togetherness while now there is always the statement...."No Time", " I am Very Busy"

Now the whole world is driving towards Give Me More. People are not contend with what they have and look for what they don't have. An economist would argue that this attitude leads to growth but let me tell you this drive is at the cost of family and ethics. Does it mean that for centuries that went behind us humanity has not developed? It has developed, but at a nominal pace and has not seen this kind of explosive growth.

"Give me more" makes most of them want to Retire Young, Retire Rich and driving towards less humanitarian considerations. When they want to retire they are so used with their workaholic nature that they tend to continue working never retiring.  When couple return from work, they are so tired and stressed out to do anything other than sleep. Love is mostly made only in their wet dreams. With advancement in medical field ageing population is increasing and with lower replacement population the family nucleus are becoming smaller. This trend can very well be noticed in developed economies like Germany, Japan, Singapore etc.

With these tendencies discussed, we have started to live in jungle where there is less ethics, less humanitarian consideration and less room for emotions and bonding. We do what one feels is right, like ISIS, Taliban in name of Jihad on a bigger scale and until even taking up a seat in public transport. These actions are justified by...Survival of fittest, Rules are made to bend, In name of god etc.

This leads humanity into life cycle bubble that has grown very fast in past years and is ready to burst anytime....and when it does it would mean the end all or most of us. This bubble is no economic bubble or dot com bubble that can recover. It might take another trillions of years before mankind can again evolve (maybe in a different form). Hence let us work towards a sustained growth, take consideration to our acts being performed add in humanitarian consideration and allocate more time for emotional bonding.