Monday, January 25, 2016

Project Destination - Heaven

Recently Singapore's Law Minister Shanmugam commented on how few of school kids spoke ill about Islam. When I read the news was alarmed and equally perplexed. Why would children do this and in what capacity are they to judge another religion?

Every religion paves way to the heaven. All of them operate under Project Destination - Heaven, only routes are different. Staying within own beliefs and not nose poking into integrity of other religious beliefs makes a harmonious society. Communal riots are not new to the world, however instigating people into believe something which has no strong evidence and sometimes ending up in elevated tension levels is new. Communities had their own spaces that was nourished and cherished not only by their own faith people but also appreciated, respected by others. This lead to harmonious multi racial, multi religious society. It was and is indeed a need for peaceful living. The balance seem to have been shaken with a more self-centered culture. The attitude grows more with social media and deepens the religious intolerant attitude. Like a north-star glow; in recent years communal harmony are rare. Humanitarian concerns bloom seldom. The recent was during last month Chennai floods when Muslims were let to stay in Sri Parthasarthy temple and even allowed to conduct their daily prayers. They were seen a fellow human beings. Such religious tolerance act are good but seem to only come out from deeply buried minds when nature takes its third position in its relationship with mankind, "You are still not OK, Am also not OK".

Social posts targeting religions have seen a tremendous increase in the past decade. Various religious beliefs are condemned or mocked without knowing the in-depth details. Amygdala is often triggered these days by such social media posts. These posts come with fragmented details and unauthorized claims which make readers to make spurious conclusions without proper analysis. As of 2014, 74% of adults use social media and a whooping 90% of Millennials are in social media (Pew Research Center). Millennials who are young, hot, fragile are mis-guided by such posts and end up in the zone of vulnerability where they break, damaging the holder and cause threat to surrounding. Lack of attention in nurturing children; grow up with lack of fellow consideration which includes respecting other religious beliefs seem a major contributing factor to this effect.

Social Media companies are trying to filter such messages. In March 2014, Facebook pledged to No Religion campaign, but still it is unable to curtail the raise of religious posts. This is mainly due to lack of proper web regulations. Therefore a fire dragon called social media is on the run causing conflagration to minds in its path. A serious downside of social media; which is a double edged sword. If we wait for governments to impose regulations to contain this it may be too late. It is time for a wake up call for individual responsibility which in turn can amalgamate into a collectively responsible society. Let us not allow nature to get into the third stage of relationship with us, come nurture children with right value system instilled in them for a better tomorrow. Groom them as responsible global citizens; guide them in Project Destination-Heaven. As always with any technological advancement; Social media is not all bad, provided used wisely.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

You OK, I am OK

2015 was with few happy happenings like Iran Nuclear deal, Climatic Change deal, Possibility of Water in Mars. But it was more of a gloomy year filled with natural disasters, slow economy, drop in oil prices, Europe Migrant crisis. Natural catastrophes like Nepal earthquake, Kota Kinabalu earthquake, Chile earthquake, Floods in Chennai, Malaysia, Stampede in Mecca. Man made disasters - Forest fires in Indonesia and continued haze affecting South East Asia. Along with this was growing ISIS terrorism, Paris attacks, Syria strikes, US national wide travel alerts many of these which has made neighbors as strangers. Greetings have become grim and colder than being warm and cheerful.

All of these seem like nature responding to the three stages of its relationship with mankind. 
  • You are Ok...I am Ok, 
  • If you are not Ok...I am still Ok, 
  • If you are still not Ok...then I am also not Ok.
Explosive population growth in last century (see graph), has made survival of smartest and most cunning. Mankind has always tried to achieve authority, power, money, luxury and fame within shorter periods. This has made many cultured communities as past. Today mankind has transformed into self-centered individuals with zero tolerance to fellow individuals. By this transformation mankind is defining respect with negative attributes. Humanitarian considerations are at lowest levels.

Solution to problem of explosive population growth has recently come out in few fiction stories - population culling on mass level. Question of morality & ethics apart, they are interesting watch as well read. Movie's such as Kingsman Secret Service and upcoming movie Inferno which is based on novel by Dan Brown under same name are few. While fiction is imagination blend with innovation, nature seems to respond with natural disasters as the outcome of third stage of its relationship with mankind.

Mankind on other hand seem a funny creation. Most men portray themselves as a different self for sake of surviving among the self-centered individuals. When nature strikes, the helping nature of many comes out, their humanitarian instincts are predominant along with survival instinct. Does nature respond with natural disasters to bring in some senses to the overly self-centered individuals? Is nature trying to mend its relationship with mankind? Is mankind living a false self?

Hope these thoughts ring bell in all. Let it start with 1 thing. Do our part and not wait for things to happen. Let mankind survive for many millions of years to come.