Sunday, February 12, 2017

Tumultuous Me to Harmonious We Society

Industrial Revolution was answer to Physical labor limitation; Cognitive limitation is becoming overcome in this age of Information Revolution. This is disrupting everything. Disruptive Technology is the buzz word of day. Every global citizen is in one way or other disrupted by the fast evolving Information Revolution. Politicians and Economists are evaluating the trend. While the focus is more towards economic aspect; the impact it has on society is more to be worried about.

Google estimates 30exabytes (300 followed by 18 zeros) of data created by humans that is available in internet. This is more data than humans have created in previous 5000 years.
"Alavuku Minjinal Amirthamum Nanju..." (even elixir turns poisonous when taken in excess) goes a Tamil saying. Every day there is bombardment with Gigabytes if not Megabytes of data. This data overload has serious impact on humans as individuals and humanity as a society.

While it is good that governments and businesses are keen in making the workforce adapt to the fast changing trend; there seem to be less focus on the communal aspect of it. Data overload makes the Alpha Generation children and Millennial Generation youngsters rely less on their cognitive abilities, analyzing capability and rely more on information readily available on net without validating. These make them Confused; Indecisive; Unproductive; affected by Attention Deficit Trait (ADT) ultimately lowering performance and creativity. This might end innovation drive and make humans susceptible to digital slavery. Such individuals form more self-inclined principles.

Due to such individual traits; the future generations are forming into a Tumultuous Me Society where:-
  1) Inhibited learning ability due to lack of relevant feedback
  2) Increased Self-interested people
  3) Relationship issues
  4) Unable to embrace differences amicably

In the whirlwind of Data Overload, those who synthesis it for necessary information intelligently and smartly will be able to form a Harmonious We Society.