Sunday, September 27, 2009

Life Cycle Bubble

Life has gone through a fast forward cycle in the past 20 years...Gone are the days of family reunions, festival gathering, one day wedding (I was told my grandfather's wedding was 5days in 1940's, my father's was 3 days in 1970's). Then people had more time for togetherness while now there is always the statement...."No Time", " I am Very Busy"

Now the whole world is driving towards Give Me More. People are not contend with what they have and look for what they don't have. An economist would argue that this attitude leads to growth but let me tell you this drive is at the cost of family and ethics. Does it mean that for centuries that went behind us humanity has not developed? It has developed, but at a nominal pace and has not seen this kind of explosive growth.

"Give me more" makes most of them want to Retire Young, Retire Rich and driving towards less humanitarian considerations. When they want to retire they are so used with their workaholic nature that they tend to continue working never retiring.  When couple return from work, they are so tired and stressed out to do anything other than sleep. Love is mostly made only in their wet dreams. With advancement in medical field ageing population is increasing and with lower replacement population the family nucleus are becoming smaller. This trend can very well be noticed in developed economies like Germany, Japan, Singapore etc.

With these tendencies discussed, we have started to live in jungle where there is less ethics, less humanitarian consideration and less room for emotions and bonding. We do what one feels is right, like ISIS, Taliban in name of Jihad on a bigger scale and until even taking up a seat in public transport. These actions are justified by...Survival of fittest, Rules are made to bend, In name of god etc.

This leads humanity into life cycle bubble that has grown very fast in past years and is ready to burst anytime....and when it does it would mean the end all or most of us. This bubble is no economic bubble or dot com bubble that can recover. It might take another trillions of years before mankind can again evolve (maybe in a different form). Hence let us work towards a sustained growth, take consideration to our acts being performed add in humanitarian consideration and allocate more time for emotional bonding.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Mother's Day

Mother's Day in these years is a day in which we remember, contribute to our mother who has given life to us. I have heard some tell why celebrate Mother's Day when we are supposed to cherish the deeds our mother has done for our entire life? Why remember only for a day? Isn't it weird to celebrate a day for a person who everyone are supposed to have in the heart everyday. The same goes with Father's Day.

The life has changed, lifestyles of people have changed. Olden days children used to stayed along with the parents even after their marraiges and knew importance of the elders. This type of families are known as 'Joint Family'. The elders in the family acted as support, guidance to the children and grand children. Over the years need for comfort grew and children had to work far from their parents. This slowly has made the younger generation move away from their parents. The distance tends to make us forget things, including the scarifices their parents have made to bring them up to the present stage in their life.

So to me all relationship days are celebrated to make those who have forgotten the value of these valuable relationships. There is no harm in celebrating these days by giving good surprise gifts to our parents, but we all need to keep in mind the good old days we had with our parents not only on these days but always.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Moving Forward

Recently I had the chance to watch the movie, Rocky Balboa. Is a year old movie, and a dialogue exchange between Rocky played by one and only Sylvester Stallone and his son made me look life differently. The esscence of the dialogue is, Life is hard and it is true you will get hit. It is not that how hard you get hit, it is how hard you get hit and keep moving forward. Cowards don't do that. Thats really a wonderful motivating dialogue that might keep one from get stuck when hit by uncertainities and challenges. The other one dialogue that rings in mind always is, Losing is not an option.

Keep wondering, do we really need these kind of words to keep us going. You ask a soldier facing a warfront, will agree on how important are these words when they face enemies. Motivating statements are not only for person's who face life or death situations, but for all of us because in today world it is survival of the fittest.

These kind of words make us more stronger in the our day to day activities and develop a stronger innerself called will power. Stallone's dialogue shows how an optimist and go getter look life.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Life for All

This year US day light setting has been changed in March instead of April, Singapore faced the driest January in decades and Febraury recorded some of the hottest days in Singapore history since meterology started recording temperatures. North China is affected by draught while south by floods.

What does all these mean, it means truth. The world is getting hotter and warmer to live in. The use of energy is getting multiplied day by day in the name of economic growth. People are less complacent with the needs and comfort when compared to the olden days. Desires & Needs have increased. Retire young is a growing mantra among most of the new age employees. This drive for quick success is the beginning of mother earth's early end.

We might not be alive to see the mother earth going to ruins, but we, by continuing our current deeds tend to bring a quicker end for our future generation. Life is short and there is no proof of reincarnation. So there is no reason why we should not live life to the extent possible. But when we enjoy our life, lets also be responsible morally & act with some level of social consciousness.

Lets make earth a better place to live in for you and for me. Go Green. Save Earth.

Visit to get more insights on Global Warming & Climatic Changes

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Recession and Education

Global economic crunch, recession is the talk of world. Every news channel, newspaper, magazines, blog, company newsletter have something about the current economic situation. There are ample number of saving and wise shopping tips available in media. People talk about it even during office breaks, over lunch and dinner. I wonder how long this is going to prolong, and for sure no one has a definite answer to this question. Governments around the world ask people to tighten their seat belts and get ready for a rough ride through 2009 which might extend to 2010. People have to cut down expense and start to save more. They have be more prudent in their investments during these time.

Investing in oneself is a life time investment and the best way to do it is by educating yourself more. Sharpen your skills while there is time so that you are most required when there is a upward trend in markets. There are two things on which you can educate yourself. First is things that you are good at - like existing profession, where one can learn skills that might be useful. This can also be like earning a technical diploma or management degrees.

Second is the things that you might like and had no time to learn. This includes most of one's hobbies and time passes. I had a friend of mine, who was manager of a IT database firm. He did a course in photography, in which he had intrest, by which he is now a professional photographer. That gives him an additional area which he might venture on his own in future. The other things that one might like to venture are upgrade your writing skills, art works, poetry etc. Downturn increases the number of entrepreneurs. This is again a key to faster economic recovery.

Abdul Kalam, former President of India, writes that a nation can be judged as a knowledge society by how effectively it deals with knowledge creation and knowledge deployment (APJ Abdul Kalam, Ignited Minds, 2002, P122). Knowledge is wealth and key to ones one & the nations upliftment. Take this global economic downturn as an opportunity and upgrade your knowledge and skills.