Sunday, March 15, 2009

Life for All

This year US day light setting has been changed in March instead of April, Singapore faced the driest January in decades and Febraury recorded some of the hottest days in Singapore history since meterology started recording temperatures. North China is affected by draught while south by floods.

What does all these mean, it means truth. The world is getting hotter and warmer to live in. The use of energy is getting multiplied day by day in the name of economic growth. People are less complacent with the needs and comfort when compared to the olden days. Desires & Needs have increased. Retire young is a growing mantra among most of the new age employees. This drive for quick success is the beginning of mother earth's early end.

We might not be alive to see the mother earth going to ruins, but we, by continuing our current deeds tend to bring a quicker end for our future generation. Life is short and there is no proof of reincarnation. So there is no reason why we should not live life to the extent possible. But when we enjoy our life, lets also be responsible morally & act with some level of social consciousness.

Lets make earth a better place to live in for you and for me. Go Green. Save Earth.

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