Monday, April 22, 2013

Ponder on Mother's Day

One of the commercial gimmicks of the millennium are the celebration of days in name of Friend, Mother, Father etc. On one hand economy is kept going by these & on other we can be happy that, at least on these days there is thought given to these ever to be cherished relationships. Coming up next in few days is Mother's Day. If you want to make your mum feel special, which is the most appropriate day? Is it to be Second Sunday of May every year?

As the Tamil saying goes "Maatha, Pitha, Guru, Theivam" which means "Mother, Father, Teacher, God". Mother is treated above all, cos if you can have one person who with no expectation feels happy for your growth & development in every stage of your life, it is your mother. One gets to live in this world after around 10months inside their mother's womb which is the world for the fetus. A mother gives herself a rebirth by giving birth to a child. She cares, showers, scarifies for & on you. Her teaching are the first every child gets to learn. Foundation makes a building stronger.

So wouldn't it be appropriate to celebrate your Mother's Day on your birthday rather than on Second Sunday of May? If you agree with this thought please thank & wish your mum on your birthday. That will make her feel special.


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