Sunday, December 21, 2014

Charge of Happiness

We are going to close chapter of 2014 & turn pages for 2015. Wishes will flood our gadgets soon. Apart from new year wish we are flooded with messages posted through various social media in our daily life. How do these messages, video impact us? Messages or video with negative intent draw our attention. Reason being, we get attracted toward things which are not normal. But little did we know the more we are bombarded constantly by something we become or change form to that. We are surrounded by a ring of negativity created around us. This is not Lord of rings but Rings of pessimism. Let us be aware of this & not get locked inside the ring in 2015 & future. Take charge of our happiness is a wish for the new year.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Back to Past 2 !!!

It been almost a year since my post Back to Past, where i shared my thoughts on how mankind might be heading back into past due to smart phones. Off late on observing Generation Z handling issues has made stronger my thoughts on the post & write this sequel. Gen Z make up 26% of world population and growing (according to US census Bureau) making seniors think seriously on how to create better future for them.

Today PC based education with numerous activities keep students engaged with IT gadgets. This has given a different dimension to education and makes them more Tech savvy. That is good news. Parents on other hand want to give their children the best (hidden agenda, they can also boast among their social circles). This has made some kind of IT gadget available to most of Generation Z giving them access to enormous amount to data in web. This is also good news. However this access seem to have a serious impact on their cognitive abilities. They are stuck when there is no information available on net or when things don't turn up the way website recommends or worst when two websites give different opinion for same topic their minds stop to think. Paralyzed without being able to analyse.

The saying goes Everything is cycle. Is our future generation heading into to Past? Can X & Y generation prevent this?

Sunday, October 12, 2014

World War-III

Mankind has been driven to show off their power for land, money or women from the origins. This is history. Most of us have either read or learnt about this during school days. Physical strength along with right strategy triumphed in earlier wars including the world war I and II. Today, everybody is worried about WW-III which could be a nuclear holocaust. With latest technological advancements, today a country that would want to drop a nuclear bomb on another country will think many times. Reason being, the rest of world will retaliate and nobody want the total mankind to eradicated. Men want to win wars and mankind are greedy.

Showing power is all about war over the years, now only with a different dimension. It is not physical strength that triumphs for land, money or women, but knowledge. It is the need for data and information. Showing off this power is WW-III which has already started. With help of technology, the countries with better data security and that are able to spy on others data prevail and triumph. A country can be crippled if their IT systems are down. No physical pain but down with no defense. Hacking into others systems and not letting others hack into your systems is the need for the day to triumph in this war. Humans have always stood up to the challenges and fittest survives. Hope technology is used in right ways for a better future.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Ice Bucket Challenge & Psychology

Why do people take part in charity drives? Either being part of a good cause or to feel the pride of achievement. The ice bucket challenge has hit both these chords of human emotion. But does these two relieve the pain that a patient goes through life time. No, and there is no way pain can be empathized unless felt for self. We realize that fire burns only after burning our fingers. One can only sympathize.

The more sympathy gained, the deeper they are being pushed into their pain. This is because they are being reminded about it. This is how a human mind works. Sometimes doing nothing is better than causing additional pain by reminding.

How many of those who take part in charity drive dare to dirty their hands by doing the service for needy? If everybody want to be a manager, where are the workers? Those who are in pain, need a chance and not sympathy. Isn't it better to stop sympathizing and pray god for their betterment & asking to give them a chance?

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Patriotic Expatriate

 Avvaiyar, the great Tamil poet told ”Thirai kadal odiyum thiraviyam thedu” (Seek your fortune even by venturing overseas). A visionary who foretold the movement of expatriates and the need for globalization many centuries far ahead. Today the World is Flat and borders are no limits for expatriates. Does migrating make them less patriotic?

This question rose in me as I myself am an expatriate. We see a lot of patriotic messages of motherland been shared between expatriates. If patriotic why migrate? Does it give a sense of belonging between their own minority communities that they build in the country which they migrate?

People migrate to other countries from their country for various reasons. Mahatma Gandhi went to represent Muslim Indian Traders based in Pretoria, South Africa. He seem to follow what Avviyar told centuries ahead. But did this make Gandhi less patriotic? History speaks otherwise.

Are expatriates torn between their patriotic feeling for their motherland and attachment to the migrated land? Sometimes one gets confused between the two!!! Maybe some triggering point will be needed to bring back the true patriotic feeling in one self, like Gandhi been thrown off train in Pietermaritzburg.......

Monday, June 23, 2014

Forwarding Pattern

Most are connected virtually by social networking websites / apps. There are numerous quotes posted by public, friends in various social media like FB, Google+, Watsapp etc... Mostly these are read, liked, forwarded and sometimes added with comments like "wonderful", "superb", "nice".

Why do most forward such quotes? Is it to promote good?

Psychologically humans earn for attention & appreciation. With less personal talks and more text messages the way to gauge both are by the number of likes & comments. By forwarding one gets attention, appreciation and gets their presence known within their circle of friends. Those liked are forwarded, but wonder how many remember, take note of these quotes, proverbs, ideologies and try to follow in daily life?

Human mind registers in memory only those that are familiar, liking and reiterated. This is general memory pattern. In today's tight & busy world most read and are eager to move to the next post. The average attention span on a web page is around 8 seconds (Source: National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine, The Associated Press). This pattern makes it less effective to get registered deep in the mind. If not deeply registered, changes in human pattern becomes difficult to be achieved. Another downfall is multi window & multi tasking, which even makes this worse.

Beyond all this constraints, one can do it if there is patience& sincere appreciation. With these those read and forwarded can be followed which will make the world we live in be less egoistic, jealous, greed, deception and with better relationships.