Saturday, November 29, 2014

Back to Past 2 !!!

It been almost a year since my post Back to Past, where i shared my thoughts on how mankind might be heading back into past due to smart phones. Off late on observing Generation Z handling issues has made stronger my thoughts on the post & write this sequel. Gen Z make up 26% of world population and growing (according to US census Bureau) making seniors think seriously on how to create better future for them.

Today PC based education with numerous activities keep students engaged with IT gadgets. This has given a different dimension to education and makes them more Tech savvy. That is good news. Parents on other hand want to give their children the best (hidden agenda, they can also boast among their social circles). This has made some kind of IT gadget available to most of Generation Z giving them access to enormous amount to data in web. This is also good news. However this access seem to have a serious impact on their cognitive abilities. They are stuck when there is no information available on net or when things don't turn up the way website recommends or worst when two websites give different opinion for same topic their minds stop to think. Paralyzed without being able to analyse.

The saying goes Everything is cycle. Is our future generation heading into to Past? Can X & Y generation prevent this?

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