Sunday, July 19, 2015

Best Friend Forever

Recently my wife & I were at a McDonald for a bite. Seated in next table were a group of four who seem as a family - parents with their 2 kids. The lady bought the meal while the rest were using their personal gadgets unspoken to each other. She bought the meal, took out her own gadget and all four ate in silence as isolated silos. They left in silence without uttering a word to each other. We were wondering where are the lovely conversations within family & between friends gone.

Are there no common topics for discussion, is this the evolution of alpha man or development of technology making us communicate less? Family meals, pantry talks, coffee talks, phone conversations are reducing and making relationships malnourished. We humans are evolving into a direction under utilizing the gift of speech.

Gadgets make communications that are physical & tonal drift into lifeless texts. They provide companionship without questioning. Humans like less confrontation and gadgets do not confront at all making them the BFF (best friend forever). We have come this far is because of challenges that were imposed on us by confrontation & our intriguing nature. If communication becomes one way, we challenge ourselves less and our brains unused become corroded. This leads to less development & growth also causing few of our languages being pushed to extinction.

Gadgets becoming as our BFF is worrying and it is for the existing generations to nourish relationships by conversing more to each other, preserve the gift of speech that no other living thing in earth has.


  1. totally agree love...hopefully this message is an eye opener. .😊

    1. Hope so...need future generations to speak not act as machines.
