Historically it is evident that, at crucial juncture's God cautions human on aberrant behavior by various means. Provides time out to re-align our paths from such behavior. Could the recent COVID-19 outbreak be one such warning? If it is, this timeout could be for various reasons. We ain't saints.
To me it is time for self-reflection. In a world of lost identities it is now that we have been given a chance to re-define and re-sculpt our self. With countries under lock-down, more time is available to most of us than ever to re-think our visions and goals. A moment to reflect, understand and align with the purpose of life. By the process of re-sculpting self, some might even opt out of the race for their soul to live and travel in peace.
The virus is at large and does scare most, but on a positive note use this time-out provided to find ways in understanding our soul's better, re-connect with purpose and help in its journey. Ask yourself if you still need to be in the race? COVID-19 timeout is a time to re-think, re-align, re-define, re-sculpt, re-set, re-ignite.
A short video on happiness https://youtu.be/e9dZQelULDk