Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Love, Peace & Harmony

When rain drops touches me, my mind reels back to the pleasant young days when I used to play out in rain with a mind full of nothing but joy, joy and joy only. Down the lane thoughts have become more selfish and jealous leading to divided harmony among the fellow humans.

The situation has to be changed for the betterment of mankind and to make earth a better place to live in. We human beings have to have compassionate feelings for others to achieve this. This change will make the world a safe, peaceful and happy place for all to live.

The hinderance to the change is very ownself...It is like the proverb "Who ties the bell for the first time around the cat's neck". For this change to occur each and every one have to start. Few ways to do this are...
  • Thank one who does a favour
  • Have humanitarian concern for others
  • Love everyone (All Five fingers are not alike, but one needs all)

Let us all pray for everyone to God and not for one's own self...let this world be filled with people who love and care for others.

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