Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Good Habits

Some may wonder how only few people become successful? Are they gifted with some talents? or are they extrodinary? This is not true. Every individual has an talent hidden within themself and it depends on the individual to identify it to become successful. I believe every individual is given atleast an oppurtunity in life when utilised in proper way paves way to success. Key to success is discipline along with good habits.

I came across the book 7 Good Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey and would like to just point out those habits.

  1. Be Proactive
  2. Begin with an end in the mind (Suppose this is the toughest of all)
  3. Put first things first
  4. Think of Win-Win deal
  5. To understand and then be understood (Put the I at last)
  6. Creative Co-operation or Synergise
  7. Self Renewal or Sharpening the saw

The best way to implement this is not memorzing the above, as life is not an exam but is a lesson,.... so first to Learn it & then Practice it.

I do really believe that by practising the above every individual can become a successful person. These habits would also groom a person to be better and effective in the society. All the best for your successful future.

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