Sunday, March 14, 2010

Technology Evolution

The recent news on the introduction of the 4G technology in the mobile phones started a new string of thoughts inside my mind. Where is the technology evolution heading towards? Is this evolution good or bad to humans?

The latest i-Phone or any smart phone for that case has more than what a phone was intend to - talking. Phones with only Contact, Messaging, Music, Camera features are gone old days and the latest ones can play online games, maps, currency converters, news update, high speed internet connectivity, video call, the list goes endless. Users of today mobile phones are spoilt with choices.

The other technology advancement in the 21st century is Internet. This is one thing which spits out both good and bad, with no brain of its own. It is for we people to take the good. But how will we know what is good if we do not interact with others to gain our own experience. We persume our own thoughts are correct, follow that and expect others also to follow.

So the question arises, with this kind of technology evolution are humans becoming more uncivilized or in short returning to from where we came? The basic features that differentiate human from animal are the networking, socialisation, planning. This basically as all of us know is the sixth sense-common sense. The evolution is so daunting that we talk less, interact very less and plan very little. Is this making us more self centered and making us don't care about the surrounding? These questions are to be given a deep thought. Let us all not fall to prey to technology evolution. Lets take the good part of it while we still respect and grow our human value systems.

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