Sunday, October 28, 2018

Real you in YOU

It is estimated that more than 108 billion people have lived in earth. Each one of us are the currently living 7.7 billion. We might be alike with few fellow human beings in some aspects but research has proven no two humans are alike, even identical twins are unique to their own. Still not knowing this; the breathing mantra of most today is #BeUnique. This seems to be accepted as to have been achieved by:
  1. Wearing the newest design or 
  2. Carrying a designer collection or 
  3. Using the latest gadget or
  4. Driving a limited edition car etc.,
Need for credit, appreciation, recognition all ignites a wanting desire to stand out of that sheep stock. Are we heading in right direction of showing our uniqueness? 


Finding the #realyouinyou is what makes you unique. The real you is what makes you being one among the 7.7 billion lives but still unique from others on earth. Loving yourself will enable to fine Purpose of life, which could be a way to call the real unique. Japanese term the purpose of being as #Ikigai (a reason for being).

Most are caught in fulfilling the daily roller coaster life of picks and chooses, needs and wishes in which failing to find our ikigai. Unfulfilled desires steer us in endless loop of autopilot that which creates a #illusionofhappiness. By entangled in this spiral we fail to value the things and people around us. Some get enlightened at their twilight ages and regret. Wouldn't that be too late? The most common regret when asked dying people is "I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true on myself, not the life others expected of me"

Guiding Millennial generation that their uniqueness is not defined by what they wear and carry, but in finding the #realyouinyou will make humans find their Ikigai and allow future dying soul's rest in peace. 

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