Monday, July 12, 2021

Medicine the new religion

Views and decisions based on religion are slowly being desquamated. That is wonderful news. How did this happen? 

Centuries back when literacy rates were low, for the practices to reach the illiterates these were made as religious practices by the learned people. People followed without questioning as those were in the name of God. Over time when practices were questioned, to maintain their relevance the religious literates exerted their dominance through the political system. Such religious evolution are seen from Egyptian, Indian, Greek and Roman history. This was a clever strategy to control the bigger group of illiterates by learned few: by FEAR. It was profane not to follow and considered blasphemy when challenged.  

The literate few are ravenous for power and dominance. Today the field where this is being exerted has spread. From religion it is felt now in medicine. From priests, preachers, religious leaders there are now pharma companies, beauticians, physiatrists, counselors, dietician, physiotherapist etc. "Everything is designed to make people feel worthless and insufficient - because only then do they become extremely susceptible to consumerism and drive the economy with their materialistic approach. They become much easier to control" ~ Ian Tuhovsky. People are swamped with information being thrown in the sea of social media under the pretext of medical research. There are numerous reports, tv programs, documentaries, advertisements pertaining to Pregnancy, dieting, coffee, chocolate, corn flakes, dairy, food consumption pattern, depression, anxiety, alcohol, sleep, beauty and about present pandemic situation with biased, conflicting and contradicting conclusions. Apart from confusing viewers and readers, such studies tend to bring also together like minded individuals and slowly form a group and forum.

Such topics for discussion are sensitive touch points that could be used to bring in unity and at same time grow aversion and hatred towards those against. You would notice increasing key board warriors (like religious fighters) sparing those who condone their groups/forum. In medical context ethics and morality seem to have thinned with the medical literates acting as bystanders watching the society going disarray. Some discussions go beyond medicine and drags race, ethnicity etc. which are totally unnecessary and heads into different dimension. 

Old grandma methods which keeps tablets/supplements away are termed primitiveDiscussing such old methods are disparage. "Modern medicine is not scientific, it is full of prejudice, illogic and susceptible to advertising. Over the past 20 years the drug companies, with their enormous wealth, have taken medicine over and now control its research, what is taught and the information released to the public." ~ Abram Hoffer. Similar to religious literates in past, the medical literates are creating FEAR with medical jargons and driving the medical illiterate population to change habits, consume more tablets and supplements. All this seem contrary to what was mentioned by Father of modern medicine William Osler "One of the first duties of the physician is to educate the masses not to take medicine." Isn't then medicine per se a religion? 

Under the religious context, over years as the literacy rates increased, knowledge grew which made us look the same religious practices differently. And we live in a world today with most of us trying to understand the practices and the reasons behind those. We have started to understand the differences and having travelled through long journey we live in a much harmonious world. This is social progression where we are approaching to live in a world which is religion flat. Which has ultimately led to views and decisions based on religion being desquamated.

Presently healthcare workers are working extra hard to safeguard all from the pandemic. Under such circumstance this blog might seem to condemn and discard medical advice. On contrary it is written with the intention in avoid being pulled apart by various medical related data and reports that make your body perplexed, exhausted both physically and mentally. Beware of things those that belittle you. To avoid being a puppet in someone's show, follow three steps before jumping into the wagon:

1. Do a self-analysis which will make you self-aware both physically and mentally. Insights on self leads to acceptance of who you already are. 

2. Know your present consumption patterns, both in food and data. 

3. Get to know your destination both physically and mentally

After these consume the right information diligently that suits your demographic profile. Remember that never does one size fit all. 

Such approach will increase medical literacy amongst us which will allow our views and decisions related to medicine be taken appropriate. It would make one think twice before boarding the wagon in fear of being left out and let the control of life under literate few. Stay healthy, Stay safe.

#religionflat, #abramhoffer, #supersition, #medicinalreligion, #socialprogression, #williamosler, #modernmedicine, #self-aware, #self-esteem, #iantuhovsky

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