Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Vernacular Language

Mahatma Gandhi speaking at Benares Hindu University, Varanasi on 4-Feb-1916 mentioned "Our vernacular languages are the reflection of ourselves, and if you tell me that our languages are too poor to express the best thought, then say that the sooner we are wiped out of existence". This speech has two parts, one which calls to take  pride to converse in vernacular language as they reflect us best and the other which fits well to understand if don’t use it leads pathway to that language's extinction. This blog is about the former pride part of Gandhi's speech. To understand more about language extinction, read my earlier blog about it. Both parts are real even after 95years of the speech and applicable for as long humans speak to communicate.

Languages are means for communicating our thoughts combined with emotions. Vernacular language gives the humane in us to get connected with others. The key differentiator between other living things and we humans, is the ability to speak our mind through language as words. Conversing in vernacular language provides one with identity, belongingness, togetherness. Conversations lead to connectivity, emotional bonding.

Every language has its roots. Different languages are like the fingers each with different lengths but all serving it's purpose. According to Ludwig Wittgenstein, famous Austrian Philosopher "The limits of my language are the limits of my world". None is better than other, and none has limit for the purpose they serve.

The more you learn different languages and dialects more you get connected with others at emotional level. Language enriches one. Knowing few languages makes us more closer with various communities. They provide us with opportunity to understand and appreciate others. As a proverb goes "to learn a foreign language is to have one more window from which to look at the world". In the present world which is extensively connected both physically and virtually this is very true. But learning other languages does not need to come at a cost of yours. Continue to speak yours while you learn others. Each language has literatures that stand long after the authors have gone. Preserve them, read them, share them.

If we don't uphold your vernacular language others would not care. Respect, dignity is lost and high chances of getting belittled by others. Your future generations will loose their identity by in-action todaySmall actions matter. Speak up, Be proud to converse in your vernacular language as that is were your identity was formed from.

#vernacular, #language, #languageextinction, #gandhi, #conscientiouswarrior, #speakup

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