Saturday, July 7, 2007


STRESS is a scientific term which could be Mental or Physical. How come this term has become common in the past few years in almost every human being. It makes me wonder why Stress is playing a significant role today in most of our lifes. Looking into the root cause as to why Stress has gained more importance in the recent years gives me only one rational - Increase in Population. Does it ring any bell???

Population surge causes more competition which urges a person to excel in whatever one does and this in turn is grown as stress within oneself. Basics of Physics is that "Volume built up in a closed container releases out with more force". This simple working principle forms the base for a Pressure Cooker. Stress being build up in a Human mind if not released will erupt out very furiously.

Stress not released can cause a lot of side effects to a person. High Blood Pressure is one of the basic disorder which might lead to stroke. Stress is also one of the reason for break in relationship and increasing divorce rate.

The million dollar question even in a millionare's mind is how to De-Stress. Newton states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Stress in could be Stress out, but how? One simple way is to divert yourself into something else indulging in which makes you more relaxed.

Stress Relievers help one to De-Stress. Practice makes a man Perfect. Choose the apt ones for you and practice it. Here you go....
  1. Speak Out: Talk your mind out to someone who you love. It could be your spouse, friend or any dear and near whom you love a lot.
  2. Sports & Games: Play or watch your favourite game. Excercising also releases stress. Jogging, Brisk Walking are a few to name.
  3. Music & Dance: Listen to musical chores that make you feel relaxed. Dancing out can also release stress in many.
  4. Hobbies: There are many hobbies in which if you are intrested can get involved to de-stress yourself. Few are Reading, Photography, Sewing & Knitting, Drawing & Painting, Browsing & blogging.
  5. Meditation: A buzz word for highly stressed people. Most prominent is Yoga. Some might become more ascetic & spiritual by doing so.
  6. Break: Take a break go out of your normal routine. Go for vacations, sight seeing.
  7. Socialise: Meet Freinds and relatives. If you are a member of an organisation get involved in its activites.
  8. Sex: I can see eyebrows going up, but it is very true. Do it to feel it.

Wind up with a classical example of De-Stress. Mother Earth has undegone so many turmoil for billions of years and still is holding all of us without tearing apart. How does she do it? She releases her stress as natural calamities - Volcano, Floods.

Life is once, so live it to the fullest. Let stress not stop the enjoyment.

Arun's Brain

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Good Habits

Some may wonder how only few people become successful? Are they gifted with some talents? or are they extrodinary? This is not true. Every individual has an talent hidden within themself and it depends on the individual to identify it to become successful. I believe every individual is given atleast an oppurtunity in life when utilised in proper way paves way to success. Key to success is discipline along with good habits.

I came across the book 7 Good Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey and would like to just point out those habits.

  1. Be Proactive
  2. Begin with an end in the mind (Suppose this is the toughest of all)
  3. Put first things first
  4. Think of Win-Win deal
  5. To understand and then be understood (Put the I at last)
  6. Creative Co-operation or Synergise
  7. Self Renewal or Sharpening the saw

The best way to implement this is not memorzing the above, as life is not an exam but is a lesson,.... so first to Learn it & then Practice it.

I do really believe that by practising the above every individual can become a successful person. These habits would also groom a person to be better and effective in the society. All the best for your successful future.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Dreams...the best gift ever god has given to living beings on earth. This is one of the inspiration for every individual. One needs aspiration to come up in life and dreams pave a way for it. Imagination comes up to life in dreams. Imagination breaks away the myth and leads to big invention & dicoveries.

Imagination is the first step to any invention. Without imagination how could have Wright brothers made the first ever flight? or how could have Columbus discovered America? the list can go on never ending. Invention leads to better lifestyle among humans which ultimately leads to ones own development.

So friends lets all not put a barrier to imagination. Let the flow continue for betterment of mankind.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Love, Peace & Harmony

When rain drops touches me, my mind reels back to the pleasant young days when I used to play out in rain with a mind full of nothing but joy, joy and joy only. Down the lane thoughts have become more selfish and jealous leading to divided harmony among the fellow humans.

The situation has to be changed for the betterment of mankind and to make earth a better place to live in. We human beings have to have compassionate feelings for others to achieve this. This change will make the world a safe, peaceful and happy place for all to live.

The hinderance to the change is very ownself...It is like the proverb "Who ties the bell for the first time around the cat's neck". For this change to occur each and every one have to start. Few ways to do this are...
  • Thank one who does a favour
  • Have humanitarian concern for others
  • Love everyone (All Five fingers are not alike, but one needs all)

Let us all pray for everyone to God and not for one's own self...let this world be filled with people who love and care for others.