Sunday, November 21, 2010


Cats drink milk from a bowl without wetting their whiskers, everyone would have known and seen that. But have ever wondered how do they do it against Newton law of inertia? The fact how they do it shows how felines outshine humans in hydrodynamics. This is not the only wonder but there are many more in the animal kingdom like the Egyptian vulture which uses the height, precision and drops the bones on rocks from the required height to break the bones which shows how superior in their own way they are to humans who claim to have the sixth sense, which makes us think we are superior.

 These animals without the sixth sense do the extraordinary from which we have a lot to learn. Instead of leading a simple life, we start to indulge in luxuries and comforts and seek to run behind earning cash to fulfill those. This again coins down to Marslow's Hierarchy of Need where the greed in us makes us want more and more and more...

The other perspective could be we, humans would not have come to this stage of progress and development if we did not move up on the Marslow's Need Theory. The urge to do better and out beat others is what makes us research and develop new technologies as its survival of the fittest. However if these used in the right way makes the world a better place to live in.

On the other hand in the name of all this technological advancements we knowingly or unknowingly ruin the peace of other species and environment, which at the end might cost us dearly all that we have now. As the Bhagavat Gita verse goes "What did you bring along with you to take along with you", which does not mean we have to be contended, but lets do things to progress with the thought in the mind that we are not the superior species and do things with the thought of the surroundings in our mind, that includes fellow humans, animals, plants and environment, as we need to let our future generations live for the years to come. That to me is the sixth sense and value...

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