Sunday, December 19, 2010

New Year Resolution

2010 is about to become past and 2011 is around the corner. Believe most of them are ready to make their new year resolutions. Are they the usual quitting smoking/alcohol, reducing weight/junk food, excersice regularly? Nothing wrong though but I was wondering why are new year resolutions always about quitting or reducing, which are mostly self centered. Why not make resolutions that are something different like:

1. Help the needy by possible means
2. Cut down carbon waste by recycling or using less fossil fuels
3. Spread more of what I know to others
4. Act more kindly where possible
5. Keep cool, to reduce friction with others

These are few that came to my mind as resolutions in a different perspective. These might or might not be applicable to all, but the thought that runs in my mind is why not try to make resolutions that are not purely self centered?

The above few or similar if made as resolutions will be practiced because when the humand mind hears a no or stop it always thinks why not and will rebel, its hard wired in the every human. However these resolutions do not ask one to stop any of what is being done at present. Therefore these resolutions if made are more likely to be followed. This also acts as a motivating factor which helps to build self esteem.

Making non-self centered resolutions are most likely to prevail not only through the coming 2011 but also for the years to come as these resolutions become the new norm as one starts to practice that not only benefit the one making the resolution but also those surrounding the individual. Moreover these kind of resolutions could be contagious too, which is good news for the society that we live in...Therefore shall we?

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